Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Get Around

In a word, you don't get around Redang much. Roads on the center of the island connect together the airport, Berjaya's jetty and two Berjaya resorts as well as the southern fishing port, but provide no connectivity elsewhere and there is no public transportation along them either. While the main strip of Pasir Panjang is easily covered on foot, travelling from one beach to another will require either chartering a boat (there are no organized water taxi services) or clambering across the 1.5-hour jungle trails leading from Pasir Panjang north to the Berjaya Beach Resort and south to Redang Kelong Resort. The people here are mainly Malay dealing with agriculture and cultivation with cows, goats and chicken as poultry.

Redang is very low on sights and most visitors spend their time lazing on the beach or exploring the corals. There's some fairly active wildlife though, including inquisitive monkeys (don't feed them), energetic squirrels and large monitor lizards.

Shopping opportunities on Redang are largely limited to touristy gewgaws in the resorts' little convenience stores. One of the larger operations, open until 11 PM, can be found at the Redang Bay Resort with one store for food and drinks and another for clothes and souvenirs. Similarly, in Redang Pelangi Resort, the convenience store opens until midnight, offering a variety of snacks, can drinks, and toileteries; and the sourvenier shop which offers a wide range of unique sourveniers. Often the smaller souvenir shops that are not attached to the convenience shops are closed during off-peak seasons.

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